And just like that, it’s over.

I know you’ve all been hanging on with bated breath to hear how fight night went last Saturday, well after 14 weeks of the hardest physical training in my life, I got what you can only call a once in a lifetime experience.

The feeling of walking to the ring in front of a 1,500 strong crowd, looking around at all the wonderful, supportive people screaming my name and looking across at my opponent in red was absolutly exhilarating and by far one of the coolest experiences I’ve ever been through.

Sadly my boxing debut was short lived after loosing my footing and falling right on my ass in the middle of the ring! Yep… that happened. An unnecessary 8sec count from the ref and his decision to end the fight all of 30 seconds later meant I stood by and watched a red glove get raised in the air in victory. And just like that, it ended.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed, not for loosing but for not having an opportunity to give it 100% (or to show off my mad new skills 😉). There has been so many people pushing me and encouraging me over the last 14 weeks and I hate the feeling that I could have potentially let them down.

I aptly drunk away any sorrows until 5am the following morning after 16 weeks of no alcohol, with hands down the most awesome group of people I could have found on this journey.  Blue Team- you guys are friggen amazing, and have been the reason I made it to the end!

There is something so empty about not seeing the team each morning and turning up to work not sweaty- it’s amazing what you get used to!

What I’m not going to miss:

  • Not having to do the washing every single day. 
  • The effort of rolling up my wraps before every sessions (then accidentally dropping one and watching it unravel all my hard work)
  • My skin (since this thing kicked off my face has decided to curse me with what I’m calling athlete acne) cannot wait to get my skin back to normal.
  • Showering 2-3 times a day
  • Burpees!!!! Bloody burpees 

Surprisingly that’s about it!

As much as this has been hands down one of the most challenging physical and mental things I have ever done, without a lie I have enjoyed every single moment. The last 14 weeks has gifted me with so many milestones, so many memories and so many friends- it’s been incredible!

Thank you so much to every single one of you who has supported me along the way, we’ve managed to raised over $1,700 on givealittle and over $2,500 on top of that. It’s absolutely massive and I’m so so blessed and proud! 

One final note: I must admit I still have a lack of closure following last Saturday so all I can say is ‘watch this space’!

Thanks again everyone ❤️

Missfisticuffs out. 

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