Can’t. Move. My. Legs.

I’m officially two weeks in, and so far my weekly training consists of;

  • Official ITHH (IT Heavy Hitters) sessions on Tue & Thu morning – 4.40am out of bed (gahhh).
  • A couple of midday HIIT sessions.
  • A group cardio session on Sat.
  • And a 4-5km run every night except Sunday.

This is about to become the new norm and each week I need to add an additional session.

I have complete confidence that over the next 12 weeks I’m going to have some of the hardest mental battles of my life. There’s just something about walking through those inconspicuous doors of the gym knowing that all that lays beyond it is a unique form of ‘burpee’ torture and the expectation that I will push my body to the point of complete exhaustion every session.

Before the official training started the idea of getting in a ring at the end of all this is what was really driving me. But as I begin to realise how fit I need to be both physically and mentally the more it’s dawning on me just how bloody far away from this I actually am. And we haven’t even started sparring yet!

Yesterday we went for our second all group cardio session – this one started with a light jog from the gym to Tirangi Road. Little did I know this road is a good example of a typical Wellington street: starts lovely and flat then creeps up into a rather steep hillside.

Tirangi Road, Wellington

Doesn’t look too bad right? Well this is Asher to the right (our trainer) only half way up.

We sprinted in two groups from the bottom to 1/4 the way up 5 times. Then from bottom to 1/2 way 3 times and finally from bottom all the way to the top 2 times!

Check out a short vid here.

This is when it really hit home just how much more work I need to do. I was easily one of the last each time up the hill. I wouldn’t say I’m unfit at all and usually find running 4-5km on the treadmill absolutely ok. But something about the combination of a hill, sprints and my legs and lungs burning at the same time made this hell on earth!

The positive? ….. well I bloody finished and didn’t stop or give up.

The negative?…. my legs are so stiff and sore, getting from a sitting to standing position has become a mammoth task.

Luckily Sunday is my rest day, bring on a foam roller and hot shower.

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